Monday, August 31, 2009

A Poem for Monday

I got out of bed
on two strong legs.
It might have been
otherwise, I ate
cereal, sweet
milk, ripe, flawless
peach. It might
have been otherwise.
I took the dog uphill
to the birch wood.
All morning I did
the work I love.

At noon I lay down
with my mate. It might
have been otherwise.
We ate dinner together
at a table with silver
candlesticks. It might
have been otherwise.
I slept in a bed
in a room with paintings
on the walls, and
planned another day
just like this day.
But one day, I know,
it will be otherwise.

-Jane Kenyon-
Savor the gifts of each hour and each day of this week.
Even the most mundane experiences become significant
when they are properly noted and appreciated.
Live in love.


Bern Thompson said...

A great reminder! Thanks!